2018 Fee Schedule
Dear Normanhurst West OOSH Parents,
Please be advised effective from Tuesday, 30th January 2018, attendance fees will be increasing.
The new fee structure will be as follows:
- Casual AM Session $12 / child
- Casual PM Session $20 / child
- Permanent AM Session $10 / child
- Permanent PM Session $18 / child
Vacation care base rate $47 / day (plus excursion / incursion costs)
The new fees represent a slight increase of 50c per AM session and $1 per PM session.
NWOOSH prides itself on providing quality care for families at an affordable price, and has been fortunate to not have to increase fees for the past 2 years.
Thanks in advance for your support, should you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Centre on 9484 4412 or nwoosh@hotmail.com.
Kind Regards